
Don Quichotte

The Spanish writer Cervantes became famous by writing about an anti-hero figure, Don Quichotte de la Mancha. A self proclaimed knight, fighting against windmills (who doesn't) to conquer the heart of an imaginary girlfriend (who hasn't). The story was written about 400 years ago, but the characters show the same behaviour as we do nowadays.
Just think about how we try to solve the economic crisis...

But that's not the only point I want to make. What wonders me most is that we still can read and enjoy a story written 400 years ago, but when I tried a couple of weeks ago to play a PC game I bought 14 years ago, my computer can't handle it. The game is too old and the computer, bought in 2004, too modern for that game.
When I buy a PC game today, my computer also can't handle it. Then my 7 year-old computer is suddenly too old. Very frustrating. It's about time that someone stands up against the computerindustry. With its new updates (do you ever know what they put in your computer?), new operating systems and processors that can't cope with not yet antique games. Or will that be fighting against windmills?

Pen and watercolor, based on a drawing by Gustave Doré.

1 comment:

Asphodel said...

Fabulous job with these portraits, love them! My favourite one so far is Mick Jagger.

Driving Home For Christmas

 Pen and pencil, 140 x 210 mm