Showing posts with label camera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camera. Show all posts


Illustration Friday - Focused

My third camera ever, was actually the first one I really bought. My first camera was a price I won and the second camera I used was owned by my father.
At the age of twelve, thirteen I decided it was about time to buy my own camera. Due to a little hole in my hand I couldn't buy a really good camera, but the Agfamatic 100 was in mine opinion a good alternative. It worked well, using filmcassettes, flash cubes and a lens which stayed focused so every picture looked sharp. I remember I really made a lot of pictures with this camera.
It still works, actually, but when I look at the pictures with the knowledge I now have about how pictures should look like, I have to admit that they are more unsharp then sharp. But I had a lot of fun taking pictures back then and they bring back good memories of long forgotten holidays and events. And that's priceless.


Illustration Friday - Confined

When you want to make an illustration of a subject which is basically black with aluminium parts, you're automatically confined in doing it in black and white.
For instance this camera, which I drew with pen and washed it with black ink.


My First Camera

Things you find when you're cleaning your attic. For instance a box full of old camera's. When I was twelve years old I won my very first camera on a fancy-fair. I still know that I was somewhat suspicious about it, because I didn't expect it to work. After all, it was a price won on a fancy-fair and prices won there didn't had the reputation of being reliable.
It was the Agfa Autostar X-126, a plastic viewfinder camera for 126 (Kodapak) film cartridges. On top you can mount X-flashcubes. I don't know if these are still available, nor do I know what that camera actually costed back in the seventies. Nowadays on internet the asking price is around fifteen dollars.
I made a lot of pictures with it, although I see now on the few photo's I still have in my possession that they were all a bit unsharp. But what could you expect from a give away, eh?

Driving Home For Christmas

 Pen and pencil, 140 x 210 mm