As I'm lately mainly posting illustrations as a result of the subjects on Illustration Friday, you might expect that I would place an homage to that site. But in fact I'm doing that with every posted Illustration Friday-illustration.
Then what, you might ask. Well, I could place an homage to Rembrandt or the founder of internet or several other people who play a great role in what I'm doing. But then I thought of the reason I picked up illustration last year.
My wife and I were in a graphicbook store and there they sold, among everything else (for instance: thousands of graphic books!), big posters of illustrations. On one of the posters the illustrator had drawn a marvelous Citroën DS. Unfortenately that poster wasn't for sale. The owner of the bookstore wanted to keep it for himself, because he had sold the place and would close the store. My wife asked me on the way home why I didn't make an illustration of a Citroën DS myself.
One of the first sketches I made was a sketch for a poster, as you can see. So here's my homage to my own DS (goddess in French): my wife ;-)