First rule of paragliding is: safety. So before I go out for a flight, I check every detail of my flying gear. It's very important to have your equipment checked, at least the night before, so you don't get surprised the next day at the last moment when you're about to take of on some mountaintop and realise that there's something not working.
It's also very important to take care for another big issue when you're about to fly: water. I once forgot my waterbottle and landed far from the landingspot. So, finally, more than two hours later on a hot summerday (we always fly at hot days because of the thermals) I arrived at a little village closest to the place I landed just to find out that every store was closed because of the middaybreak. Luckily there was a fountain at the villagesquare...
So, from that day on I always look after a sufficient watersupply along with my
flying gear. Two waterbottles, just in case one get's broken.