Ford Transit Mark 1

The Transit is still in production, although not in the same design I've drawn it.
Pen, ink and a slash of watercolor.
Whisky tour

To get in the mood I made this sketch, but I think it would be much better to make a ink and watercolor piece out of it.
Renault Estafette

The engine of the Estafette was dramatically underpowered, so it was mostly used for quick deliveries rather for movements of large and heavy loads.
Pen and ink, washed with watercolor.
Volkswagen Transporter

Pen and ink and watercolor.

Anyway, I can see some elements that aren't quite right yet. Some things are out of proportion or missing. There's a lot of work to be done. I'll post the drawing in a couple of days/weeks when its ready.

Pen and ink, 20 x 25 cm.
Citroën HY

Drawing made with ink and watercolor.
Sketched Citroën HY
Illustration Friday Transportation

We also have grapes in our garden, but each year they taste different. This year, for instance, the grapes taste very sour. Although I've added quite an amount of chalk to the soil this Spring. Perhaps we've had a shortage of sunshine this Summer.
Pen and watercolor
Pen drawing
Self promo

Sketchbook #3
Sometimes I sketch daily,
Sometimes at night.
Sometimes with pen
With a touch of colour,
But mostly in black and white.
(an illustrator is somewhat like a singer/songwriter, I think.)
Illustration Friday Atmosphere


This sketch in my moleskine is a quick one made of our mugs on the table in our little cabin. It's a bit of a coincidence that this subject fits this weeks topic on Illustration Friday. So, even when I didn't drew as much as I'd planned to do, I still can make a posting on my weblog. That's also a bit 'double', I think.

Five years ago we bought our first family tent. We went out to Italy, with our two kids. Mostly it's nice weather in Italy, but not that time. We had very low temperatures at night and lots of rain at daytime. On our way back home we even had a snowstorm on the Brenner. In June!
At least we discovered our tent was waterproof, although it was very cold at night. Luckily our daughter was too young to remember how cold it was during the nights. All she wants nowadays is going to a campingsite. Allthough she rather go with a camper. Maybe that's a result of the weatherconditions we experienced than in Italy. You never know. At this moment we haven't made plans where we're going to this year. Our son doesn't care, as long there's a swimmingpool with a big slide.
I made this drawing when I used the tent at a short paragliding holiday in the Jura. I didn't use the sleeping cabin, which make the tent twice as big, because wife and kids stayed at home.
Pen and watercolor on 300 grs Fabriano.

I remember back in 1996 it was a very hot and sunny day in the south of France when the Tour de France took place. I was on a cycling holiday and only my cycling mate and me had plans to watch the Tour. The other participants of that trip choose to cycle that day on their own and climb some mountains (Hautacam, Aubisque, Soulor). Just for fun.
Anyway, my mate and I took our bikes and drove to Tarbes, a little town in the neighbourhood of Lourdes. We arrived at about 10.00 AM and the Tour would pass around 2.00 PM. So plenty of time to look for a good spot. We thought that standing on a corner would be nice and after a long search where the Tour would actually pass (nobody we asked could give us a solid clue), we posted ourselves on the corner of Avenue Francois Mitterand and rue Eduoard Dallas.
After about an hour our waterbottles were empty, due to the tropical temperatures, so we had to score some water. A gas station with the name "Station St. Christophe" seemed to be the right place for us travellers to fulfill our waterly needs. Alas, due to the passing of the Tour de France the station was closed...
A guy across the street noticed us walking with our empty waterbottles and waved to us, asking if we want something to drink. He offered us wine, being a Frenchmen off course, but we refused kindly by saying it was a bit too early for us to drink wine. We'd rather had some water. After filling our waterbottles he asked where we came from ("Holland", we answered) and then he asked if we would like to drink some beer with him. A cold beer is always welcome, so we followed him to his fridge. It turned out he only had two bottles of beer and being with the three of us made it a bit uncomfortable for him. His looked a bit disappointed, probably because he realised that being the host he had to give his beer away to two strangers from Holland. We saw him being in some sort of indecisiveness and suggested him to fill out the two bottles in three glasses. After this enlightend idea and some poor jokes about Dutch treats we almost missed the passing of the Tour.
Small car in an old barn

Illustration Friday
Liberation Day

Little Pirate

I was one of them when I was young. I still remember at the age of seven I made a wooden raft which didn't float at all. Disaster! I could never be a good pirate. Then I promised myself I would become a comic artist. Which didn't work out very well either...
Boy On The Look-out

The perspective in this drawing looks promising to me, but I still have difficulties in finding the right dimensions in, for instance, the little boy's arms, head and legs. I'll have to practice a lot on that stuff.
Waiting For The Bus
Not an ordinary sketchbook

Now let us hope it improves my drawing skills. The first doodles are already made and are here in the open to be looked at. I made them with a simple black ballpoint pen. Just what came up in my mind, the old guy, or what I looked at: a window, a picture in a magazine.

Ink with watercolor exercise

The exercise is about how you can put texture into an inked drawing by adding watercolor. In this exercise it also had to be a monochromic study. I like black and white drawings most, so that's what I've made. I think it has depth and a certain "breadness", although it's in black and white.


I didn't find any print of Blackhear's painting I've based this drawing on so far, not in the pile of sketches nor on the internet. So I can't judge the result. I only know that I won't make much drawings like this one anymore nowadays. This technique is very time consuming and I don't have that much time/patience, let alone the fact that I was single back than...;-)
Happy Bags
Illustration Friday - Focused

At the age of twelve, thirteen I decided it was about time to buy my own camera. Due to a little hole in my hand I couldn't buy a really good camera, but the Agfamatic 100 was in mine opinion a good alternative. It worked well, using filmcassettes, flash cubes and a lens which stayed focused so every picture looked sharp. I remember I really made a lot of pictures with this camera.
It still works, actually, but when I look at the pictures with the knowledge I now have about how pictures should look like, I have to admit that they are more unsharp then sharp. But I had a lot of fun taking pictures back then and they bring back good memories of long forgotten holidays and events. And that's priceless.
Agfa ISO-Rapid IF

Taking pictures then was an expensive hobby. Now I know why my father didn't use that camera very often. It sure helped to keep this camera in the excellent condition it is today, though.
Illustration Friday - Confined
My First Camera

It was the Agfa Autostar X-126, a plastic viewfinder camera for 126 (Kodapak) film cartridges. On top you can mount X-flashcubes. I don't know if these are still available, nor do I know what that camera actually costed back in the seventies. Nowadays on internet the asking price is around fifteen dollars.
I made a lot of pictures with it, although I see now on the few photo's I still have in my possession that they were all a bit unsharp. But what could you expect from a give away, eh?
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It is difficult to imagine how pictures were taken in the pre-digital ages. For instance in the early sixties of the last century. The Agfa...
One of the fine characters of the great movie "Ratatouille" is the late master chef Auguste Gusteau. His motto and book "Any...
A windmill is a nice subject to draw. It has an outstanding form which is very recognizable and gives it a presence of it's own. There ...