Drawings From The Past

Anyway, the top drawing was an interpretation of an typical alley in Leiden, influenced by the work the Dutch illustrator Anton Pieck made. Although you might say that didn't work out.
I also tried to make two drawings of buildings in front of water: always a challenge.

Going To The Chapel

During my childhood days I remember seeing nuns walking in our village. My father always used to say: "A nun on the square, brings rain in the air". Of course this was a joke, but sometimes he was right and the day after we saw a nun it started to rain!
Years later my father was frequently asked to play the organ in the monastery's chapel, or, as he sometimes called it: "he had to play with the nuns". A bit naughty, my father isn't he? I remember one day, when I was already adolescent, the organ in the chapel was out of order due to maintenance. My father asked me to help bring in a wooden pipe-organ, owned by a fellow organplayer in our village who was willingly enough to lend out his very expensive pipe-organ for free. All for the good cause, of course. His only demand was that the organ was transported by me. Why, I don't know, I guess because I had a big stationcar at that time. Anyway, everything went well, until we had to bring in the organ into the chapel and my hand got stuck between the organ and the posting of the door. Before I knew it I said something very inappropriate at that time and place and I still can remember the look on the face of the nun who was accompanying us. I'm still very sorry, sister.

Anyway, as usual it's very hard to think of something original to give as a present for people who moved to a new home. This time I thought it would be nice to make a drawing, frame it and give it as a present. First I wanted to make a drawing of my friend's old town, or ship, but than I thought of Google Streetview. I found out that there were pictures of their little town available on internet. Sadly enough Google didn't have pictures of their street, so I couldn't make a drawing of their new house. But from the other side of the water which flows through their town, Google Streetview had made pictures. I took the angle shown below, although I didn't exactly known which house was theirs. Of course I didn't make a phonecall to check that out.
Luckily enough they liked the drawing very much and especially the story behind the 'making of'. They had not heard of Google Streetview untill yesterday, but were very surprised and interested in this new tool on the internet.
The Scale Of Things

Once there was...

When I was a young boy, I was very impressed by this place. I still remember what the weather was like the first time I saw this house: after the rain had fall and the sun was peeking through some clouds. I've tried to capture this in the drawing.
I had to make the drawing by photograph, because the place was destroyed soon after I had seen it for the first time. The local authorities replaced it by a big, white, square building. Because the village lacked a supermarket... And in the whole village could no other place be found to build it! Truth is, that this villa was situated next to the townhouse and there was a need for officespace, which -of course- could be build neatly above that supermarket. So the village had it's first, big supermarket and the civil servants didn't have to walk far when they had to be in the townhouse. Make sense, don't you think?
Not The House Of My Father

This cottage stands on the corner of the street where my father was born. His elderly house didn't look a bit of what it looked like when my father lived there, so I choose this house as subject of my artistic needs. The house my father lived in was also in use as a bakery and a little shop. My father started his own bakery when he got married and my uncle inherited the bakery my grandfather started. Over the years the building was reshapen to the demands of modern entrepeneurship and architectural ideas of how a bakeryshop should look like. That is: according to my uncle. That didn't turn out to be a pretty sight, as you might expect.
Luckily my father had some very old sketches in his possession, which were made in the 1930's by his old neighbour. Using these sketches and some old black and white photographs, I've made a coloured pendrawing. This drawing still hangs on the wall above my father's organ, back in my parents house.
Black and white with pen and ink

I was a bit naive and forgot to ask "who, where, when, why?" and started to make several drawings in pen and ink instead. Below you can see what kind of detail I'd put in it. I soon found out it was hard labor to make these kind of drawings. But it was worth it, I thought. And they sure looked better then the drawings I made for the newspaper!

I've brought my sketchbook with me and with the help of several photographs I could make this drawing back at home.
Of course the exhibition never took place. Due to several problems with local legislations and other very important management and business terms, the gallery never opened and so my drawings ended somewhere in my archive. Until now, because I now can use my blog to share these drawings with you.
Illustration Friday Music

This week's topic on Illustration Friday is 'Music'. When I think of music, two things come up in my mind: The Blues and on the same level of interest: my saxophone.
One drawing doesn't do right to the wonderful looks of a saxophone. There are so many nice cornerings, valves and other parts that, when they work together, makes such a wonderful sound. So I highlighted a few parts of my saxophone.
This is my second Selmer Bundy II tenor. The first one was stolen after burglars had 'visited' my home. It took me a while (12 years) to get over it and buy another one. Now I have a black epoxy, second hand instrument, but it sounds just as great as the first one I had.
Local drawings
The academy was founded by the Dutch painters Frans van Mieris and Carel Moor. Nowadays it's still in use by a painting and drawing society, called 'Ars Aemula Naturae'.
Note the amount of bricks I drew on request of the editor-in-chief. I'm still grateful to his contribution to the art of drawing... Not.
The credits for research goes to Henri van Aggelen, a pensionada. He was banker in Switzerland, but after his retirement he finally had time to study the history of normal day life in the city of Leiden, his hometown. He had a particular good sense of spotting human interest facts in the story behind an old building. Much to the delight of the editor-of-chief, although he didn't quite liked Henri's idea of writing some articles about hidden brothels. After all, it was a Sunday's paper and he was a little afraid that this sort of articles might abuse the advertisers.
The first drawing

Anyway, I've learned a lot back then. And not only about the history of the town, I must say. One specific lesson I've learned, is that you can't expect that the reader of a newspaper (or any other medium) knows what you mean with your drawing, painting or photo. There has to be a context in which it fits.
Study in black and white

I made a study in black and white, which was taught me by Michael Warr in his marvelous book Capturing Texture. Best is to draw the same subject three or four times, so I'll keep you people informed what progress I make in this technique/subject. It's for sure a big difference regarding to the drawings I made 15 years ago for an exhibition which never took place. But that's a totally different story.
Holy Chair

With Autumn knocking on our door it's about time to do some paintwork outside and inside our house. So I guess I won't be posting a while, or on a very low pace, due to other urgent matters during my spare time.
Illustration Friday Strong

Ink and watercolor on a summer's day in the garden.
Holy Mother

This one was a birthday gift by close friends of ours, one out of a set of three: Maria, Joseph and the happy couple with the Holy Child. These three pieces also found their way to our toilet's Wall of Fame and Other Religious Artifacts. According to some people it's becoming a real must-see when visiting our house.
Illustration Friday - Caution
Holy Water

This is the second piece regarding our toilet. This is a very cute sculpture to pour Holy Water in. In these kind of temperatures water is a very much wanted good.
So, from behind a sweaty keyboard I give you all my best blessings and now I'm of to our little inflatable swimming pool!
Ink and (not so holy) watercolor, 10 x 15 cm.
Holy Smoke

Apart from the somewhat unique setting our toilet is also a great place to get inspired about what to draw when I am really having an illustrator's block. Over the years I've made several sketches of the objects in our toilet and I've planned to work some of those sketches out.
Neuveville, part two
Neuveville, Switzerland

Neuveville is a quite, little town on the shores of Lake Biel in Switzerland. I made this quick watercolor sketch of the city gate, while I spend a day there waiting for some better weather to paraglide in the hills closeby.
It was a sunny day, people were having fun at the shores of the lake: sailing, walking, cycling, roller skating. Just having a good time on their day off at Ascension Day. Too bad I didn't fly on that day!
Col de Peyresourde

Anyway, I must admit I was a bit scared the more I reached the "Field of Death" only to find out it's a nice green field and I was almost whistling when I drove by. So far, so good. The climb turned out to be a long, but manageable one. Although I was a bit worn out when I reached the top. It's just a pity that this years edition of the Tour de France don't pass this pass...

Illustration Friday Unfold

Once I climbed the Col d' Aspin in the French Pyrenees, by bicycle. One thing I remembered about that climb was the great amount of campers passing by on my way to the top, leaving me behind in their exhaust fumes. Struggling to reach the pass and for some fresh air. So the drawing is a bit more romantic than reality was: no campers in sight, only a clear blue sky!
Col d'Aubisque

We were riding through the Pyrenees on our bikes and tried to climb all the famous cols the riders of the Tour de France have to take. Of course we weren't as fast as the professional cyclists ride, but I'm sure we had much more fun during our "Tour de Force"!
Just a few weeks and then the Tour de France starts again. I can hardly wait.
Essential equipment

It's also very important to take care for another big issue when you're about to fly: water. I once forgot my waterbottle and landed far from the landingspot. So, finally, more than two hours later on a hot summerday (we always fly at hot days because of the thermals) I arrived at a little village closest to the place I landed just to find out that every store was closed because of the middaybreak. Luckily there was a fountain at the villagesquare...
So, from that day on I always look after a sufficient watersupply along with my flying gear. Two waterbottles, just in case one get's broken.
New work

May has been a very busy month. Not only started my wife at her new job, which meant a big break with the schedule of working days she had at her old job, but it was also the month that I had a short holiday-break on my own. That is: without wife and kids. That's something I experienced the last time for about seven years ago. Besides that the workload at the office reached a new hight, so you can imagine that I, sadly enough, didn't have much spare-time left for drawing.
Unlike my son who made a special drawing for me because he missed me during my short break. So, instead of some poor drawing of my own, let's enjoy this wonderful piece (out-of-his-head!) of daddy ready for taking off at paragliding.
Inline skates

Last year I didn't skate much because of my weak left ankle, so let's see how this year develop. When everything goes smoothly you can see some drawings ahead which I usually make during my outings on skate or bike. Ink and watercolor, 4" x 6".
Illustration Friday Theater

Every week, for about two years, I made a drawing of a building or site in the city of Leiden. An editor gave me the subjects, because he had to write a short and interesting story about the history of the building or the site.
For instance the restauration of the 300 year old theater in Leiden: the Leidse Schouwburg. A beautifull restorated building and it's a pity that you can't see the inside of the theater on this drawing. When you ever have the opportunity to visit Holland, try to stop by at this theater. Most artists do also like this theater and its atmosphere very much. And that's the greatest recommendation, I think.
Hard work

In the very rare spare moments I had during the nights, I've been busy sketching a new piece for my homepage. I had that "splendid" idea to make a drawing that linked on the drawing which can be seen for the past two years on my homepage. I actually didn't believe it was already two years ago I opened my website. Time flies when you'r having fun, so to say.
Anyway, to make a long story short, the sketch became a bit of a pain in the ass, because somehow halfway the first sketch something about the perspective angle didn't feel right. So I made another sketch, and another sketch, and another one, only to end up at the first sketch again. Then I realised that the small mistake I made just gives this drawing its character. Now I only have to make a few typographical adjustments and ink and color it. I'll keep you informed about the progress on this one.
Swiss Knife

So why not make a copy of the worldfamous Swiss Knife? Ceci nést pas un Victorinox.

Nevertheless multitools are very handy. When you're camping, hiking, cycling are even at home, sometimes you can make great use of them. I think the governement should give them for free!
Ink and watercolor, 4" x 6".
Illustration Friday Talisman

Because I'm not at all superstituous I've put it away and never thought of it again (and still made some pretty good flights, by the way). Until I read the topic of this week on the site of Illustration Friday and remembered that talisman. I've searched everywhere, until I discovered it hung right before my eyes: on the statue of the Madonna and holy child in our toilet. You probably wonder why that statue is placed in our toilet, but that's quite a long story and far off this week's topic on the Illustration Friday challenge.
Tax return

Several years ago I asked him for advise, because I had that faint feeling that I didn't get enough money returned. Call it instinct, but after he filled in the forms my feeling proved to be right. Since then he helps me every year to get a substantial sum back. More than my collegue (a financial controller) did before him. Twice as much, to be correct. And you know what those accountants say: "You can never be correct enough with taxes".
Ink and watercolor, 4" x 6".
Junk Food Moment

Ink and watercolor (sketch on a napkin) on 120 grams drawing paper, 4"x6".
Potato Bread

As far as bread is concerned my big favourite is potato bread or as the Austrians called it themselves: "Kartoffelbrot". The last few days I've searced the internet to find recipes to make potato bread myself and discovered that there are quite many different recipes to bake one. So I guess I just start with one recipe and see what it brings. If it doesn't suit me I just try another recipe. And so on, and so on, and so on. I'll keep you informed about the progress I'll make!
Illustration Friday Instinct

Most important, of course, is that you try to look as less as possible to that little green screen and try to enjoy as much as you can your free flight. But that goes without saying.
Bald, again

But after two weeks it started to itch and some colleagues weren't very kind either. Mainly they told me that I did look a couple of years older than before. Ouch, that hurts!
So, what do you do? Yes, shave!
The kids weren't pleased, but my ego is. Sometimes a man got to do what a man got to do. And, after all, I do have to look like my self-portrait, don't I?

But first we had to buy ice-skates for our kids. We thought it would be best to buy one set of ice-skates with the possibility to adjust them in size. So one kid at the time could learn how to skate. But it turn out that the kids had more fun gliding with sledges on the ice than they were eager to learn how to skate!
Well, maybe next year, again on the frozen canals or in the ice-skating hall. After all, the skates are adjustable and it will take a few years before they outgrow the skates.
New Years Eve, part II

As I told before we celebrated New Years Eve at our friend's house and I was baking fritters in their garage. What I didn't tell you was that the garage door was slightly opened to let the smell of the baking fritters get out. But on the other hand the freezing cold came in and the garage wasn't heated. So, although I was facing a very hot frying pan, my fingers and toes were stone cold. Furthermore, boys from around the block already started early that evening to shoot of some heavy firework in front of the garage, with that door opened! That didn't work out very well for my nerves, I must admit. Luckily no fire-crackers or rockets have entered the building. But I was very relieved when I finished baking the fritters in that garage!
Illustration Friday Time

To make more time for myself, and my favourite hobby, I usually put it out of sight. So I don't have to look at it all the time and somehow this works out quite well. When I finished what I planned to do, for example this drawing, I've spend less time then expected. Lesson learned: draw without knowledge of time.
New Years Eve


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It is difficult to imagine how pictures were taken in the pre-digital ages. For instance in the early sixties of the last century. The Agfa...
One of the fine characters of the great movie "Ratatouille" is the late master chef Auguste Gusteau. His motto and book "Any...
A windmill is a nice subject to draw. It has an outstanding form which is very recognizable and gives it a presence of it's own. There ...